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History: Angry Letter... about Metro!


Austin Chronicle


       Dear Editor,

        It makes my blood boil every time I read that Leander Mayor John Cowman is preaching to the citizens of Austin that Capital Metro is not a "social service" and should charge the disabled and elderly to ride Metro's buses [“Welcome to Capital Metro,” News, June 18]. He is quoted as saying, "I don't mean to be cruel or insensitive, but I think it's very important that we empower each other and all pitch in to build Capital Metro." The people who pay taxes in Austin built a rail line to Leander that benefits the people of Leander a thousand times more than it benefits the people of Austin. If that rail line had gone to any other destination but Leander, John Cowman would have been screaming his head off that it was socialism, but since it benefited him and his city, it's OK. And now, after he's got his slice of the socialist pie, he doesn't want anyone else to get so much as a crumb. John Cowman should be ashamed of himself.

         -  C. S.

Paid political advertisement by John Cowman for Leander City Council.

John Cowman, Treasurer

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