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History: Sustainable Leander

It has been a fun, joyous and very interesting being Mayor of our city. I wish thank you all for allowing me the experience.  Since taking office in 2003, we have all made great strides in making this a truly great city.  Road projects, new parks, our new public library, public facilities such as the police and fire stations, new business coming into Leander, a AA+ bond rating, are all great achievements for us all and the future citizens of Leander.

Eighteen months ago, I was informed that Leander/Cedar Park (LCP) Youth Baseball League has, due to over-crowding, changed the format of the League.  It is my understanding that this new formatted organization is called the Cedar Park Youth Baseball League.  This is a good and prudent move for all the citizens of Cedar Park and especially the children of Cedar Park.  The children of Cedar Park will now be given top priority to play in the newly named league as they should be.  If there is space available, Leander youth will be admitted.  What does this mean?  It means that the citizens of Leander need to get busy by taking care of our youth by building facilities which will allow all boys and girls in our city to have the opportunity to experience good wholesome activity.  Pure and simple.  This should be a priority for us all.    

As evidenced by the passage of the $559,000,000 (that’s five hundred fifty nine million) dollar bond election for Leander Independent School District to build new facilities a few years ago, our city is getting younger.  Elementary Schools are being built, and we are poised for growth in both Leander and Cedar Park.  A recreation/community and swim center is needed for not only our youth, but our active adults and our active seniors.  A recreation/community and swim center along with the Leander Youth Baseball League would be a great step in the quality of life that we all have been working toward.  I recently toured the new recreation and swim facility the City of Cedar Park built off of the New Hope Road extension, and I observed one thing…it was packed!  I toured the center in Round Rock, and it was also full of people enjoying a quality of life that we deserve here in Leander. 

As Mayor of the City of Leander, I appreciate what the City of Cedar Park and the City of Round Rock has done for their citizens.  Both have made great strides in quality of life issues that the citizens of Leander must come to expect.  I believe that these are the same strides the City of Leander should take for our citizens, and following the example of Round Rock and Cedar Park is not a bad idea.

Paid political advertisement by John Cowman for Leander City Council.

John Cowman, Treasurer

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